The Deadliest Mass Shooting in US history : Our Prayers Go Out To All


Live from Las Vegas : President Trump has just arrived on Air Force One to Las Vegas, and latter today will visiting Mandalay Bay Casino Resort – the site of this horrific shooting, and will be visiting hospitals, and talking with many survivors, doctors, city leaders, police, swat teams, and first responders. The President will be giving a speech in Las Vegas very soon, to thank all the heroes of this terrible event, and console all the people in this city , and everyone else that was touched by this event everywhere else. In The below 2 photos President Trump, and The First Lady Melania Trump -met with members of the Trauma Team at UMC who treated over 100 people :

 As you can see in the feature photo, & below photos, and video taken from our Hotel room that was just down the street from The Mandalay Bay Casino Resort – the location of the  worst mass shooting in US history – a large electronic sign (in the right of the photo) put up by The Aria Resort Hotel & Casino – that says : “Our Prayers for the victims. Our gratitude for the brave First Responders .” It’s the perfect picture of this sign with The Mandalay Bay further down behind it. It captures the horror of this terrible night , with all the well wishes and prayers for everyone. The Bellagio Casino & Hotel Resort also had the same sentiments on their sign below (to the right of The Eiffel Tower in the photo) , that was also taken from our hotel room. We never thought that the great views we always get from our hotel rooms, when we visit Las Vegas would ever be of such a tragic event. All of us that were there, agree with these good sentiments , and will continue to pray for all of the dead, and those that were wounded. We ask you our viewers to continue to pray for those people that are fighting for their lives in hospitals in Las Vegas :

This sick, deranged lone gunman, who was a wealthy accountant, had a 2 bedroom suite at Mandalay Bay that overlooked the large crowd at The Route 91 Country Music Festival   Concert. The gunman then used 23 high-end guns (and had 47 totals guns- some that were found at his 2 homes), and semi, and automatic rifles (that were made with Bump Fire Stock) to spray the people below with gunfire that killed 59 people, and injured 527 – the worst Mass Murders in American history , but the American people will not let this stop their lives from moving on! View from our Hotel room window shows many people in the Paris Las Vegas Pool at the base of the Eiffel Tower the very next day, and The Mandalay Bay Casino Resort, which was right down the block from where we were staying. 

The US flag is left at a makeshift memorial outside the Route 91 Country Music Festival site beside the Mandalay Hotel October 4, 2017 on the Las Vegas Strip, after a gunman killed 58 people and wounded more than 500 others when he opened fire from the Mandalay Hotel on a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada : The US flag is left at a makeshift memorial outside

As of this very moment The FBI is still questioning Marilou Danley, who at first was thought to be helping the shooter – Stephen Paddock (photo below right), but then later determined that she was not helping him in Las Vegas at the time of the actual shooting. Now it’s been learned that she has received $100,000 from him, and may have more information that may be of great value to this investigation.

A few stories from being there as this horrific night unfolded, and for the last 5 days :

A business associate of ours had a room at Mandalay Bay Casino Resort on the 31st. floor-right under the shooter on the 32nd Floor. The police raided his room with shotguns out to ask him what he is doing there- since they were going room to room to make sure he was not working with the shooter, so our friend was really scared when they pointed guns at him.

A Spa manager that we talked to today, at a Spa that we were using- told us he had co-workers that were attending the music festival , that were shot dead !

Our reporter Brittany – survived by running away fast enough and locking herself in her hotel room. In the below photo are some of the 58 dead: Top row, from left: Sonny Melton, Susan Smith, Jordan McIldoon, Jessica Klymchuk, Rachael Parker.
Middle row, from left: Sandy Casey, Quinton Robbins, Lisa Romero-Muniz, Adrian Murfitt, Hannah Ahlers.
Bottom row, from left: Jennifer Parks, Heather Alvarado, Jack Beaton, Stacee Etcheber, Melissa Ramirez.

They were many different stories throughout the night. First that it was a group of terrorists- that shot people at Mandalay Bay and were now working their way towards New York New York Casino , latter it was proven false; and another that the shooter was working with a short 4 foot 11 inch Asian women, who was then questioned -then deemed not involved with the actual shooting . The shooter had a Platinum Gambling Card from that woman, that was found on him after he was dead, but the women was not helping him in anyway with shooting people. 

OJ Simpson was just let out of jail, just outside of Las Vegas, after 9 years of incarceration, the night before the shooting at midnight. So some people were saying that OJ was the shooter gone insane – another crazy story that was false.  (Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times)

From our first -hand experience at Caesars Palace Casino – there were crowds of people yelling and running through the casino – based on a crazy man that was telling people to run for their lives – latter proven untrue – no relation to the real killer – just a nut causing trouble. However at the time when many people are making a run for it – many of the staff and players at that time – were trying to protect themselves by hiding under tables – which I had done – but then I thought about it – and I didn’t want to die hiding under a blackjack table – and maybe get shot in the back ; so I decided to get up- and look around for any real gunman – and if there was no other way out – fight for my life, and attempt to take away the killer’s gun – from behind – if I can get around him – this way I may be able to save other people’s lives. Either way I would go out fighting , and trying to help others ! Again, there was false information being given out – so the killer never made it up to Caesars Palace . Security made all the people that were still inside the casino stay there – till it was safe to go outside again at about 4AM. Below photo taken from inside Caesars Palace, after it was evacuated, and the entire casino was totally desolate, as was The Las Vegas Strip – 2 sites that have never been seen before :  

Police and swat teams then pulled out the big guns and protected all the people in the casinos, hotel areas , sidewalks , and streets. If the killer did get that far to where we were – which was straight down the strip- about a mile- he would have for sure have been shot dead ! It only took me a second to decide – to not be afraid and hide , but rather to fight back and help in any way that I can. It will be something for you to think about – if God forbid- you are ever in this situation.

Heroes’ Stories  :

There were 2 women that were running away from the bullets being sprayed all over, and a man came up to try and protect them. So he covered them up with his body to block the bullets, as they were all on the ground. The man took the bullets- and the women survived – but the man was shot dead, and one of the women were shot in the foot. The man gave his life to save the women ! A real hero !  People take cover from the Route 91 Harvest country music festival after hearing gunfire Sunday night in Las Vegas. The shooter was firing from the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. (Getty Images)

Many people helped out total strangers who were shot with bullets, by carrying them to safety, and giving them a ride in their own cars, when there was not enough ambulances to get people to the hospitals for urgent medical help :

The Swat Teams got to the shooters room within about 12 minutes , after a few people helped in trying to find out what room the shooter was in by walking around the hallways to try and hear where the bullets were coming from :A police officer takes cover behind a truck at the (Eugene Garcia / EPA-EFE)

Many people provided protection against the gunfire, for total strangers ! :

Shows had been cancelled the night after, but reopened 2 days after, and the casinos, hotels, restaurants, and pools are all open again. Singing Legend, and Mr. Las Vegas : Wayne Newton said that Las Vegas will be open to bring happiness to people. Wayne is now performing at Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. Our prayers goes out to everyone, and we ask you to continue your prayers for the 59 dead and 527 injured, and their families. For the complete story go to: and #MassMurders @lasvegas_lv  @LasVegasShooting @Potus @Flotus #VegasStrong @VegasStrong @Vegas   If you have any information that may help out families that have a lost person,  or may help law enforcement , you can call: 702-828-3111 , or 1-800-CALL-FBI .

The American People and myself will not let this horrific shooting stop us from living our lives to the fullest – as you can see from the below photo taken moments ago in the pool at Caesars Palace , in the swim up blackjack card table in the pool . Usually there is a waterfall coming down from the roof above the card table area of the pool. We ask you to still be prepared to stop any forms of terrorism, or tragedies like this , or to help out in anyway that you feel comfortable with, and yet still live your life to the fullest , and make the best of every day !  


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