A Conversation with Kenny Loggins , who does a Beatles Tribute


Our Entertainment Today Reporters : Melanie Murphy, and Margie Rey got the opportunity to interview, and to talk at length with Kenny Loggins , at The AARP Awards at The Beverly Wilshire Hotel . Kenny is a singer-songwriter and guitarist. His early songwriting compositions were recorded with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band in 1970, which led to seven albums, performing as the group Loggins and Messina from 1972 to 1977 :  

Below is from FaceBook the day after the interview : Kenny Loggins response to Melanie on Facebook . Thanks Kenny for the like ! :

On Facebook: @thekennyloggins liked your comment: Thank you @thekennyloggins for being so generous with your time for interviews . . look forward to reading Footloose . . .P.S. The Pants were a hit ! #footloosechildrenbook #footloose #beatlestribute
Kenny Loggins response to Melanie on Facebook

For the complete story go to: entertainmentandsportstoday.com Facebook.com/entertainmentandsportstoday and Youtube.com/entertainmenttodaytv  @thekennyloggins @thebeatles @aarpphoto


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