Acting out a scene on the actual set of the hit TV Sitcom “Friends”


I got a lucky opportunity at The Warner Bros backlot in Burbank to act out a scene from the hit TV sitcom series “Friends”, on the actual coffee shop set named “Central Perk” that was used to film Friends:

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Below is the exact same coffee menu, and coffee machine as it was when the last Friends episode was aired : Inline image

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I was chosen to play the part of “Joey” since I was able to say “how you doing” just like Joey did!  Joey was played by Matt LeBlanc.

I had a few short lines with “Phoebe Buffay” ! So listen carefully so you can hear Lisa Kudrow on my left off set – giving her lines to me. They edited it to look like we were all on an actual Friends episode ! She was sitting in the chair on my left, as in the photo: Related image

Friends had a very successful ten-season run, that was broadcast on TV from 1994 to 2004, on NBC as a television sitcom . We had to put our cell phones away while we were on the set- since they said that when that episode originally aired cell phones were not yet in common use! Inline image


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If you like to see photos from the actual coffee shop set named “Central Perk” of the hit TV sitcom “Friends”, go to: or @entertainmentandsportstoday Watch @friends #friends on @nbc stars #lisakudrow @lisakudrow as #PhoebeBuffay and #MattLeBlanc @mleblanc as #Joey on @warnerbrostv #warnerbros Thanks for watching! Please like this page and check out some of our other TV segments.Inline image


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