Closing 3 Numbers: Abba was FABBA at their Live Concert at Pala Casino


ABBA was FABBA at their Live Concert at Pala Casino, as you can see in this video of the Closing Numbers of their show. This is our 9th show from this concert.

The closing 3 songs of the show:

Mamma Mia

Dancing Queen

Thank You for the Music

Last night was an incredible concert that was finally without COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, and attendance limitations at Pala Casino, just North of San Diego.

Masks were optional, and the majority of people did not wear masks. We hope that everything gets better, and more major live and in person events open up again to full attendance levels!

The FABBA Show is America’s most renowned, authentic, and truly sensational tribute to Abba. The legend lives on, with hit after hit of dance floor classics like Dancing Queen, Super Trouper, Mamma Mia, and over 40 other hit singles that will have on your feet disco-dancing all night. The costumes are spectacular, and the energy and showmanship brought by the nationally-acclaimed cast, keeps fans coming back again and again.

Direct from the U.K. and back by popular demand, The FABBA Show is now America’s most renowned, authentic, and truly sensational tribute to ABBA. “The World’s top ABBA tribute show,” said the London Times and “Even better than the originals live,” claimed the Houston Chronicle. The setlist is packed with all your favorite hits, and the costumes are simply spectacular. The energy and showmanship brought by this superb cast has fans from all over the world returning time after time for more of The FABBA Show.


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