Entertainment & Sports Today crew on a 7 person Outrigger Racing Canoe !


On Memorial Day The Entertainment & Sports Today crew was flying through the water on a championship 7 person Outrigger racing canoe in Kings Harbor, Southern California: Inline image

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One of our crew went all the way from LA to San Diego on a paddle canoe ! Our very talented TV news crew doesn’t just cover and report on Entertainment, Movie, TV, Music, and Sporting Events , we also have a wide variety of other talents , and soon we will be ready for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games ! Below is Entertainment & Sports Today, and Entertainment Today TV Producer Steve Taylor: Inline image

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The special Memorial Day event, and canoes are sponsored by #Toyota @ToyotaUSA Toyota also sponsors the athletes, the team, the club, and canoes for championship level competitions, and special events on a year round basis.

The Fiesta Hermosa Memorial Day weekend event had over 400 companies with booths there, and amazing music quality tribute bands to The Beatles, Chicago, The Beach Boys, and The Doors. At the very close of this event, right after our crew were done with the racing canoes, The Doors band closed the concert with their classic rock hit : “The End” , and like it was scripted to film a movie on this partly cloudy day- a cloud moved out of the way so the sun was no longer blocked, so that the sun came out to shine a big strong ray right down on the stage- so that the Doors band lead singer (who looks just like Val Kilmer who played Jim Morrison in the movie “The Doors”) had to turn around to see the ray of sun shinning right down on him, and then pointed to the sun- and then pointed to the large audience- to say “You See !” -right as he sang the final words to “The End” – to close out this special Memorial Day weekend event! The sun came down on the stage for only about 40 seconds , and then as if right on key- when the song was over – the cloud went back to cover up the sun! Unbelievable but true !  The End  :

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend
The end  . . . . .

It hurts to set you free
But you’ll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end.

Entertainment & Sports Today, and Entertainment Today TV has a large TV news staff, and reporters of all ages to cover events of interest to all ages and demographics. In the below photo (L-R): Sarah (7 years old), Steve Taylor: Producer, Caroline (5 years old), and Margie(19 years old): Inline image

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For more TV episodes and news segments go to:
EntertainmentAndSportsToday.com and
@entertainmentandsportstoday Youtube.com/entertainmenttodaytv
#OutriggerCanoe Thanks for watching !


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