Happy Father’s Day to 98 year-old WW2 Vet ; with son & President Obama

President Obama and 98 year old WW2 Vet Sidney Walton
Sidney Walton is a 98 year-old World War 2 Veteran.  His son Paul Walton gave up everything to show his Dad the time of his life... that was over four years and 29 countries ago.  This is the best story about a Father’s love for his country and a Sons love for his Father that you will ever stumble upon.  Sidney Walton was born in the year 1919, father to 3, husband to 1. A beautiful lady named Rena.
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The years went by after Rena’s passing, and when Sidney was 94 his only son Paul took him on an adventure that continues to this day.  They are always traveling, seeing all of the things this life has to offer, embracing each day as if we’re the last.  Giving up all of their material possessions to experience this thing called life.  They have met the Dali Lama:
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and the 44th President of the United States – President Barack Obama.  Below: President Barack Obama participates in a photo line prior to the National Clean Energy Summit at the Mandalay Bay Resort Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, Aug. 24, 2015:

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and others.  Not to mention so many celebrities along the way. Below photo with James Corden : the host of The Late Late Show with James Corden, a late-night television talk show on CBS , taken at last years Emmy Awards :
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The most elite events all across the country and abroad.  Each and every person, famous people… people like you and me, regardless of their social status, career or background love what they are doing.  Everyone is enthralled when they hear the story… a story about life and love and the ties that bind. Many are brought to tears, remembering the family member that served, or the loved one that is in a nursing home, wishing they could do more.  It’s inspiration for us all.  The symbiotic part is that they have both been alone, Sidney without his wife and Paul still a bachelor.  Together, but alone.  Never stopping once.  Because the time is now.  Paul & Sidney have been friends of this author for over 25 years . Happy Father’s Day to all !


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