“SEARCH” Starring John Cho & Debra Messing at Sundance Film Festival

“SEARCH” Starring John Cho & Debra Messing at Sundance Film Festival

MOVIE REVIEW: “ SEARCH” : Sundance Film Festival Screening 2018

In one of the most innovative and contemporary story telling formats on the silver screen, Debut Writer/ Director Aneesh Chaganty creates a gripping and tense tale using the computer screen as a major component of the narrative interspersing it with deftly executed live sequences and scenes.
The first five minutes of the movie brilliantly encompasses an entire decade of a young Family’s life. This in itself draws the audience to connect and empathize with the story right away after which Chaganty weaves a complex and intelligent thriller which you cannot tales eyes away from. The emotional bond between a loving Father and his teenage daughter is wonderfully expressed by actors John Cho (in photo below-taken from the movie), and Michelle La. 
 A little further into the take, the entry of Debra Messing as the determined detective adds a fresh twist to this compelling story. Messing is excellent in her portrayal and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with the multiple turns the story takes. Photo below of Debra and Anthony Ramos at Sundance Film Festival, Park City, Utah, USA :IndieWire Studio presented by DropBox, Day 3, Sundance Film Festival, Park City, USA – 21 Jan 2018
  “Search” is tremendously applause worthy in the way it pulls in emotion, drama, intrigue and tension all in one and makes one’s eyes glued to the screen start to finish.  A superb watch!
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Director: Aneesh Chaganty

Screenwriter: Aneesh Chaganty, Sev Ohanian

Produced by: Timur Bekmambetov, Sev Ohanian, Adam Sidman, Natalie Qasabian

Executive Producers: Ana Liza Muravina, Maria Zatulovskaya, Igor Tsay

Associate Producer: Congyu E

Director of Photography: Juan Sebastian Baron

Editors: Will Merrick, Nick Johnson

Production Designer: Angel Herrera

Principal Cast: John Cho (Photo below of John at Sundance), Debra Messing :IndieWire Studio presented by DropBox, Day 3, Sundance Film Festival, Park City, USA – 21 Jan 2018

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Kalpana Pandit is an actor/ independent movie producer/ entrepreneur and also a board certified doctor in the United States. She has been a travelling Emergency Room Physician practicing part time in small towns across the United States while she is pursuing her passion of being a part of great movies. Her passion for creativity led her to establish her own production banner " House of Pandit" in 2010 which has since produced a multiple award winning HIV/AIDS awareness film "Jo Jo Laali" and a full fledged Bollywood feature film " Janleva 555" both with medical awareness messages. Jo Jo Laali has won Kalpana two " Best Actress" awards in Indian Film Festivals and a total of 13 awards for the film itself . Kalpana has acted in numerous Bollywood movies , notably " Gajagamini", " Moksha" and " Love Khichdi ". She has travelled far and wide in the capacity of "Guest of Honor" and part of the Jury of various cultural events across America. Currently, her next home production movie of " House of Pandit" Sulige Sikkidaaga " Be fluid as water" which contains the very imperative message of Womens Empowerment and Epilepsy awareness is receiving tremendous applause in film festivals and has already won four awards in International Film Festivals Pandit hopes to continue to make timeless classics on celluloid which entertain the audience across generations with their great stories and also carry excellent messages of awareness for the people.


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