The biggest buffet in the world reopens again in Las Vegas, after being closed down for over a year due to COVID-19!


The biggest buffet in the world reopens after more than a year after being shut down due to Covid-19, at Caesars Palace Las Vegas!

Caesars Palace Las Vegas remodeled their world famous Bacchanal Buffet – making it 25,000 square feet- which is now the biggest in the world! They added more items to the seafood section, like Lobster, Alaskan King Crab Legs, Prime Rib, 28 days aged steaks, Roast Duck, and other items making it a grand total of 600 items of exotic gourmet food, from the 4 corners of the earth, served by famous master chefs! If that’s not enough they have chefs with pushcarts that come right up to your table to give you additional delicacies like Lobster Bisque and Japanese Wagyu Beef HotdogsIt’s a great experience that will bring joy to your heart, and will be an experience you will never forget! After over a year with my favorite buffet in the world being closed down due to Covid-19, I practically had tears in my eyes of joy as my chef was there ready for us, and without me even asking, served us again 3 big racks of gigantic beef ribs on a huge silver platter, that wasn’t on the menu for anybody else! About 10 people looked at me funny why I had the whole buffet serving tray for myself: My host always gives us our “Oceanview” table at the Bacchanal Buffet at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, overlooking the 7 beautiful pools. Here’s a photo of me from earlier the same day posing in front of the Golden Caesar Statue under the big dome in the pool: 

This buffet has now been sold out for 3 weeks within 20 minutes of going online on Open Table, but I think God must be looking over me, as I at the very last second- somehow got in on the Diamond VIP line – despite the fact that they stopped the VIP entrance- and 2 of the hostess’s who knew me and happened to be there- put us right in the front of everyone else tp get in, with the best table in the house over looking the 7 pools at Caesars Palace! This buffet is now sold out for the next 2 months !

Life is good and thank God for little miracles!

I was very impressed with the Caesar’s executives, directors, and head chefs that are there in person to make sure that everything runs perfectly, and were there to answer any of our questions; and all of the hosts, staff, and chefs go the extra mile to make sure that you are happy, so that you can have an amazing experience that you will always remember, and want to come back again and again – as we have been doing since this buffet first opened up about 9 years ago! And a very special thanks to our master chef: Marvin – in the meats section, who always “goes above and beyond the call of duty” – and serves us an extra special custom order of the finest and biggest cuts of beef, that is not even available on the menu to anyone else, which makes our experience even better! Everyone at the Bacchanal Buffet at Caesars Palace Las Vegas – will go out of their way to give you possibly the best meal you ever had in your life, and if not then for sure the biggest meal ever!

Enjoy this over 9 minute video- which also includes about 100 amazing deserts.


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