The Dance Scene That Inspired Pulp Fiction (from 8½)


You will get a kick out of watching this video that was the Dance Scene That Inspired Pulp Fiction from Quentin Tarantino‘s 1994 film, that Quentin was inspired by the film by Federico Fellini made in 1963! The actors/dancers from that 1963 film are Barbara Steele and Mario Pisu, (NOT actor Raul Julia – even though it looks just like him) that you can see in this video: John Travolta and Uma Thurman did an amazing dance scene for the 1994 film!

& the song is from Chuck Berry‘s hit – You Never Can Tell! It seems everybody is inspired by somebody else who came before them!

John Travolta was on The Late Late Show with James Cordon and explained how that dance sequence came about. He said originally QT just wanted he & Uma Thurman to just do the twist but John felt it would be boring to watch them do just that for 2 mins. He suggested adding other dances he remembered from his childhood. So he added The Hitchhiker, The Batman (when he dances with 2 fingers on each hand in a sideways V shape over his eyes), The Swim & the others to the sequence and boom ! Movie gold ! Tarantino is on record on The Graham Norton Show that he instructed John and Uma to dance the twist, but he wanted John to dance a bit rigid so as to not look like a natural dancer (thus getting mega laughs from the audience) and Uma to dance like Eva Gabor’s cat character from “The Aristocats”.

I remember the original Batman by Adam West from the 60’s would dance with 2 fingers on each hand in a sideways V shape over both eyes, as I did at a Playboy party in 1995 at the VSDA Convention in Dallas, Texas!  I had met and/or interviewed on our TV show: Adam West, the Director Quentin Tarantino, and all of the major actors from Pulp Fiction, and all of the actors from this iconic movie scene, including: Uma and John, and the actors that portrayed Marilyn Monroe, Ed Sullivan, and Buddy Holly; and singing legend Chuck Berry at the Grand Opening After Party for the Beverly Hills Planet Hollywood in 1995, on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, enjoy!


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