Wedding Ring Presentation of Paul & Amy Walton


In this video show episode, as part of our special: “The Historic Wedding of Paul & Amy” TV series, exclusively on Entertainment Today, and Entertainment & Sports Today: is the ceremonial Wedding Ring Presentation of Paul & Amy Walton. 

At A Little White Wedding Chapel: the home to many famous celebrity Weddings was the historic Wedding of Paul Walton & Amy. Paul’s Best Man was his 101 year old father, who is 1 of the last U.S. World War II Veterans: Sidney Walton who has been on a nationwide tour to meet every Governor in all 50 States, and has been to the White House to meet 4 US Presidents, and honored at many big events across our country and overseas.

“I’ve been waiting many years for this moment!” said Sidney. This will be the first marriage for Paul, age 65, who is Sidney’s constant travel companion. “I finally found the love of my life,” said Paul, “and I found her while traveling with my dad” . . . “I gotta tell you, this tour that we’ve been on it feels the best when I’m with my dad and he’s front and center.

“This wedding was live on TV, and the friend of Paul’s for 30 years: Entertainment Today, and Entertainment & Sports Today TV Producer: Steve Taylor: interviewed Paul, and Roger Lim filmed the wedding.

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Above is our video news story, that is part of the series of news stories on the historic Wedding of Paul & Amy Walton.

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